Juices that are good for your skin

You’ve probably left a facial appointment with a bag of beauty products to preserve your post-treatment glow. But after a Skin treatment at Revita Clinic we also like clients to walk out with something else that whips their skin into shape: a handful of juice recipes.
Often the causes of problems like dark circles and acne are more than skin deep, your skin improves after swigging green juice instead of coffee. “Great skin’s a reflection of what one puts in their body and their digestion.”
Kale – Apple Blend
Kale has a bunch of nutrients in its green leaves. It’s a natural anti-inflammatory that fights acne and other skin conditions. It is, among other things, great for your digestive system. Kale is a great source of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, E, K, beta-carotene, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium and so on which are all good for your skin and overall health.
You’ll need:
- 1 cup kale or chard or 5 kale leaves
- 1 lemon
- ½ cucumber
- 2 celery sticks
- 1 apple
- 1 pear
How to make it?
- Chop everything into appropriate size
- Squeeze the lemon to get its juice, and if you are okay you can blend lemon skin as with rest of stuff
- Blend everything and add lemon juice
- Serve
Caroot – Apple Crush
This sweet beta-carotene-rich mix with skin clearing apple will help you kick the habit of snacking sweets. The human body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A (retinol). Vitamin A is crucial for healthy skin and mucus membranes, as well as our immune system. Where as ginger has got an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, helping to maintain an optimal pH and support our body’s immunity.
- 8 Caroots
- 1 Apple
- Ginger if you like
How to make it?
- Chop everything into appropriate size
- Blend everything and add ginger
- Serve
Lettuce, Mint and Cucumber Booster
This mean green smoothie helps in improving complexion from within and keeps the skin baby soft and supple. A flawless skin diet must include lettuce because just 6 leaves of this amazing vegetable provides more that 100% of the daily value of vitamin A that is extremely important for skin cell regeneration. In addition, potassium present in lettuce improves oxygen circulation in the skin and supplies the essential nutrients to the cells. Mint acts as an amazing skin cleanser that and reduces the breakout of pimples and acne. And this delicious smoothie is not just great for the skin of works as an amazing summer chiller.
- 3 Cucumbers
- 1 head of Lettuce
- Handful of fresh Mint leaves
- 1 Lemon
How to make it?
- Chop everything into appropriate size
- Blend everything and add ginger
- Serve