Colonic Hydrotherapy is referred to as a colon irrigation, colonics, colon cleansing or colon therapy. All these are names for Colonic Hydrotherapy which uses sterile luke warm water for inner cleansing. This therapy is available at Revita Clinic by long standing members of ARCH and RICTAT Registered Colonic Hydrotherapists.
A healthy colon is the key to living a healthy life. The colon (large intestine) is the end portion of the human digestive tract. Its main functions are to eliminate waste “from” the body and to conserve water “in” the body. There are “friendly” bacteria living in the healthy colon, which synthesize vitamins, detoxify waste and help prevent infection.
The typical British diet, consisting of high fat, low fiber, refined foods including flour, meat, fat, sugar, alcohol and preservatives, is the primary reason the colon can become unhealthy. The toxins generated from accumulated waste matter in the colon are responsible for many body imbalances. This can lead to very serious weight and health problems. Furthermore, the average British diet includes less than a fraction of the fiber foods necessary to promote elimination of toxins from the body. Poor diet, improper food combining and lack of dietary fiber make maintenance of a healthy colon virtually impossible.
There are many benefits as well as hydrating the whole body’s system and simulating the bowel. The aesthetic benefits include a natural skin boost and increased vitality. Some of the many benefits are;
Colonic Irrigation (hydrotherapy) is the gentle infusion of warm filtered water into the large intestine (colon) to help cleanse it of old faecal matter , gas , mucous and parasites. The water is infused under carefully regulated pressure using specialist equipment. When the colon has taken enough water, the therapist will gently massage the abdomen to encourage the water to move through the length of the colon, the water will then be empted from the colon, bringing with it the impacted wastes matter, which has accumulated over weeks, months, years.
You have the comfort and clinical support of having a specialist with you at all stages of the procedure. There is no odour, you are covered up and can go back to your normal life after the treatment
The effects of your colonic will go on for a number of days (2-4) after your treatment. They will be varied from a boost in energy level or occasionally a headache or feeling a little tired. Bowel movement may take a few days to return to normal. This is a time to give your digestion and yourself a break by eating foods which are easy to break down and by taking time to pamper yourself. You may also feel a little cold afterwards; make sure to keep warm, drink warm herbal tea or soup and bring an extra layer with you just in case.
Live natural bio-yogurt will help to re-colonise your gut with friendly bacteria, or you could also have probiotics on daily basis to replenish your bowel with good bacterias.
Beside that vegetables in all forms, especially steamed or in soup. Brown rice, porridge, quinoa and millet are rich in beneficial fibre and will help the friendly bacteria in your gut as well as improve your transit.
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No. An enema works on the lower part of the colon only. Colonic irrigation cleanses the entire length of the colon.
No. Most people actually enjoy the colonic and are especially pleased with the unaccustomed sensation of feeling cleaner and lighter.
No special measures are necessary prior to the treatment, but it is a good idea to only eat light meals and drink plenty of water during the day.
Following the treatment you can carry on as normal. In fact , many people come during their lunch hour for a treatment; however it is nicer if you can relax afterwards.
No, you will be covered at all times to maintain your dignity. You will be in a private room with only your therapist, who fully appreciates the sensitivity of the procedure and will help to put you at ease. Because the system is sealed, the colonic is achieved without any offensive odour. There is no embarrassing dash to the toilet, in fact, during the entire process you will be laying comfortably on a couch. Your comfort and privacy is of utmost importance and is always respected. Afterwards you will have completely private use of our en-suite facilities and changing facilities.
The treatment can take between 1 hour – hour and a half that’s including going over your medical history and preparation.
This will vary with each individual. Most people obtain a good result with one treatment however in some cases two or three treatments fairly close together is recommended followed by a treatment once or twice a year for maintenance . Your therapist will offer you individual advice too.
Yes, the therapist is a qualified nurse and a hydro therapist. The procedure is very safe as the highly filtered water is carefully introduced at a regulated and controlled temperature. Cleaning and sterilization of the necessary equipment is carried out as normal procedure and all contact equipment is disposable and used only once. Some people say that colonic irrigation removes intestinal flora and valuable nutrients. Is this so?
The truth is that washing out putrefied material in the large intestine increases the good intestinal flora. Good bacteria can only multiply in a clean environment that has been cleaned and has been washed free of putrefaction and it’s accompanying harmful bacteria. This is why the intestines of a new born baby immediately begin to grow good intestinal flora.
Each time you clean out the putrefying rubbish and make a better environment for the good flora they begin to multiply immediately in their natural media. It also stands to reason that valuable nutrients can be better absorbed in a clean environment than in a putrefied environment.
Cancer of the colon, unknown at the beginning of the century, is today second only to lung cancer. An average person can carry between 5lbs – 25lbs of old faecel matter in their large intestine. A healthy colon is essential to a healthy body. Conventional diets of today, comprised of refined and processed foods, high in saturated fats and low in natural fiber, coupled with sedentary lifestyle contribute to a multitude of bowel disorders and subsequent health problems. Poor elimination of waste products soon leads to toxic environment poisoning several problems. It’s like you trying to work at home with no drains or reduce collection.
First the stagnant waste becomes putrefied and releases toxins, which seep through the walls of the colon into the blood stream making us, feel tired, ill and week. Second, the colons ability to assimilate some minerals and important vitamins becomes impaired. And finally, the muscular activity of the colon is inhibited leading to constipation and bowel disorder. Clonic irrigation quickly, safely and effectively eliminates large quantities of this toxic waste, greatly, enhancing the condition of the entire body, leading to a healthier and better quality of life.
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